Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 Review

Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 Reviews

Review score: 8.9/10 – Updated June, 2024

Latest Price: £6.99 (RRP: £6.99)

Take a look now to discover what makes Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 worthy of a review score of 8.9 out of 10.

Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 Review

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Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 features

Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 specs

Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1
Spec 1

Colour: Blue

Other Tools found with this Spec: 163

Feature 1

Material: Chrome Vanadium Steel with a Vinyl-Dipped handle

Other Tools found with this feature: 1

Feature 2

Head Size: 8mm and 10mm

Other Tools found with this feature: 1



Number of Reviews


Review Score

5 / 5

Average score in category: 4.4/5



Quality is without doubt one of the most important factors that we consider when buying bikes, parts, accessories or clothing. As you’d imagine it’s especially important when buying Tools. Let’s take at a look at the sort of things you can look at when trying to ascertain the quality of Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1.

The first thing is material. Looking at what Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 is made of will give you a really good idea of the quality overall. Take a look at the specs above and you should be able to see the material. It’s then up to you to decide if it meets your expectation.

Similarly you’ll also want to spend some time looking at the features too. Again the table above, listing the features will give you a really good overview. However you should think about the sort of features that you’d expect when buying new Tools. It’s worth writing a list of the “must-have” features so that you don’t end up compromising and missing some important features, or alternatively end up buying an unnecessarily high specced product.

There’s also a lot of merit in checking out the brand of the product and looking at the various brands that are selling Tools. Brands like Park Tool are of courses extremely well respected in the cycling community so you know you’re getting a fantastic product with them. But if you’re undecided on your product you should write up a list of brands that you’d be happy to buy. It’s a great way of filtering and narrowing down the number of products when you’re searching.

Next up you’ll want to think about the price and use that as a guide to set your expectations of the quality. If you’re buying the cheapest of the options in the Tools category you should probably expect it to not be of as good quality as the most expensive. It sounds obvious of course. But this is where you can get a bit clever and use your combination of features, specs, materials and other factors to work together to get a really good quality product at the best price. We often draw up a list of “must-haves” and use these as filters when shopping online so that you’re only seeing products that meet your criteria. You can then sort by Price>Low to get the best deals.

Comparing Prices

Price, as you would imagine, is the most popular reason for someone buying one product over another. It is the single most important factor in choosing the majority of products we buy. The same goes for Tools.

It’s at this stage of the buying process, when you’re looking at different options, that you should set a budget. Do some research to understand how much roughly you can expect to pay for the sort of level of product that you’re looking for. Then match that to your own personal circumstance and how much you can afford to spend. This will really help you in narrowing down the right product for you.

Price of Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1

So the first aspect of price that we’re going to look at is the price of Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1.

We run regular scans across the web to find the best prices for the products that we review, from a range of cycling retailers. The best price we managed to find Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 was over at Chain Reaction Cycles where the price was £6.99 in our latest search.

Based on this price we’ve scored it 8.4 out of 10 for price.

Average price of Tools

Next we wanted to look at how much you can expect to pay, on average, for Tools.

We found 563 in the Tools category over at Chain Reaction Cycles. We looked at the average price of the products within this category and found the average is £33.54, making it below average at £6.99.

It’s sometimes helpful to look at how much the prices can vary. Especially when setting yourself a budget, or when trying to understand just how much you could spend on Tools. We found that the most expensive product currently available was £724.99, whilst the cheapest we managed to find was £0.99.

With 563 products available we worked out that 469 cost more than Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 and 81 were cheaper.

Cost of Park Tool products

At Chain Reaction Cycles we found 260 products from Park Tool, of which 222 were in the Tools category.

For now though we’re looking at Park Tool branded products in all categories. The average price of these products was £48.26 making this product below average.

You’ll also be interested to know that the cheapest Park Tool product we found was £1.49 and the highest price we could find from them was £724.99.

Of the 260 from Park Tool, 240 were more expensive than Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 and 15 were cheaper.

How much are Park Tool Tools?

We then wanted to get a bit more specific and only look at Park Tool products that are listed in the Tools category.

The average price of the 222 products that match this search was £43.91, with the cheapest coming in at £1.49 and highest price was £724.99. With the average being £43.91, Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 comes in below average.

204 products that meet this search were more expensive than Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 and 14 were cheaper.

Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 Reviews

Reading reviews is an amazing way of getting a good feel for a product without actually being able to try it or see it first.

There are two different types of reviews, and we also recommend reading both.

1. Expert reviews – In the cycle industry there are loads of really reliable trusted resources for expert reviews. For example if you’re looking to buy a new bike, BikeRadar Bike Reviews are great.

2. Customer reviews – these are probably your best resource for information. There’s no finances or influence involved, they’re purely just honest reviews from customers that have bought and used the product. The reason we love customer reviews so much is because no matter if their view is good or bad, there’s a very good chance that it will be honest and unbiased.

Our best advice is to head over to Chain Reaction Cycles and read the Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 reviews there.

Based on what we’ve seen in terms of reviews for Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1, it really does look like a great buy. So for the review score, we’ve scored it 8.9 out of 10. The average review score for all products in the Tools category at Chain Reaction Cycles is 4.4 out of 5.

Owner reviews, as we say, are one of the most important pieces of research that we can do before we buy. So, with that in mind, if you do go on to buy Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 or another similar product, like Park Tool P-Handle Hex Wrench Set PH-1.2 reviews or Park Tool Nipple Driver ND-1 reviews we’d love you to leave a review in the comments below. It will really help future buyers just like you, when they’re looking to buy Tools.


As we said in the pricing part of the review, brand is a really important consideration, but especially so when looking to buy Tools. But as you’re probably already aware, you’re on to a great choice if you do go with Park Tool, as they’re a fantastic brand, making amazing products.

YouTube Video of Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1

Below we’ve embedded a video from YouTube where we’ve searched for Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 reviews.


Overall, we’ve been hugely impressed by the quality, price, reviews and features of Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1. We’d say that as long as it fits your budget and meets your expectations in terms of features/spec…it’s a really strong contender. That’s why we’ve scored it a massive 8.9/10 overall.

Further product details

  • Product ID 1: 25010880715
  • Product ID 2: 654666UK
  • Brand: Park Tool
  • Model number: QKMWF1
  • RRP: £6.99
  • EAN: 763477009319
  • Description: Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 For specific use on the compression nut on hydraulic brake calipers and levers, this double-ended wrench from Park Tool will safely open and close the nut, comfortable slotting over the brake cable with its open head for easy access. Two-Headed Flare Wrench The Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 has both an 8mm head and a 10mm head for use on the most commonly used nuts. The heads are angled and use semi-box openings that allow you to get to the compression nut without the brake cable getting in the way, minimising damage to both the nut and brake line. Built from chrome vanadium steel with a vinyl dipped handle for durability and comfort, the MWF-1 is a brilliantly designed and functional tool from Park Tool. Features: Material: Chrome Vanadium Steel with a Vinyl-Dipped handle Head Size: 8mm and 10mm Buy Park Tool Accessories from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World’s Largest Online Bike Store.
  • Full Category: Workshop > Tools
  • Unisex
  • 0
  • Adult

Other options for Tools

As you’d imagine there are so many options out there when buying Tools. 563 in fact.

A few of our other favourites that we spotted when researching Park Tool Metric Flare Wrench MWF-1 included,
Park Tool Needle Nose Pliers NP-6 reviews, Park Tool Metric Quad Wrench MQ-1 reviews, or we really liked the look of Park Tool Stubby Hex Wrench Set HXS-3 reviews as another alternative.

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